First thoughts about X-T30

During April, I travelled to Italy to test two new pieces of gear – the X-T30 and the Fujinon XF16mmF2. I summarize my experience of using Fujifilm X-T30 body in this article.  Disclaimer: I am the X-Photographer, the brand ambassador … Read more

Laowa 9mm f/2.8 Zero-D lens

During my last trip to Svalbard, I had the oportunity to test the Laowa 9mm f/2.8 Zero-D ultra-wide lens. Here is my experience with it. Disclaimer: All photos were made with the Fujifilm X-T2 and I adjusted them as usual, … Read more

Few tips for participating in photo contests

I have been sending photos to competitions for several years – I started rather occasionally, but now I do it regularly and I use a bit more systematic approach. I decided to share some tips other photographers may find useful. … Read more

Short trip to Norway

I have reserved few days in May for a short trip to nature. As I purposed after my recent expeditions to tropical forests, this time it was a solo backpacking to the beautiful Norway nearby Forollhogna National Park.

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I no longer share my photos on 500px

Notice for everyone who follows my work: I decided to stop the publishing of my photos on 500px. There were several reasons for this decision. One of them was not an optimal quality of uploaded photos. When I played with … Read more

Focus merging versus smaller aperture

Recent firmware update for Fuji X-T2 added focus bracketing feature, which allows to capture series of images suitable for focus merging to achieve larger depth of field. In this mode, camera captures selected number of images with every frame focused to slightly larger distance then previous one. When my colleague X-photographer Kevin Mullins released its video demonstrating this new feature, few commenters were asking if stopping lens down wouldn’t achieve the same result. I decided to show you, why focus merging cannot by substituted by stopping lens down in many cases.

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